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Building experiences create genuine connections and empower unforgettable moments.

During my sophomore year of college, I found my passion for events when I got involved with a school organization called SOTA Productions. Since then, I've built a vast background in venue, music, corporate, and event marketing events.


My professional pursuit for experiences is guided by immersive storytelling and dynamic leadership. I want to capture and amplify people's voices and experiences. With my attention to detail for insight and feedback, I've become and identified myself as a visionary leader who values building and nourishing a collaborative space. It cultures bonds, inspires authenticity, and empowers moments of now. 


After I graduated from California State University, Chico, with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design (Option in Media Arts) and a minor in Recreation Administration, I dived into the corporate events industry, polishing my organization, communication, and leadership skills.


My long-time goal is to use the foundation of storytelling to organize and narrate an immersive and unforgettable experience through media, technology, and events.

Resmi Tiglao

Inspiring Event Planner

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